Turn 6 starts with an event in Japan. 御所内、御前会議会場―― ふぅ...それでは御前会議を始めます。 帝... 元気がないようですが? それがね、ガメリカの外務長官から 我が国にスーパー301条を適用するって 通達があったの。 スーパー301条? うん...これがその内容。   <<<<<<スーパー301条概要>>>>>> 『日本からガメリカに輸出されている商品は、不当な  ダンピングが行われており、不公正貿易となっている』 『よって今後、この不公平を是正する為に、  日本からの輸出品には関税を引き上げるものとする』 ...勝手なことを。 我が国の企業が努力して、 商品の競争力を上げているというのに... なにが自由貿易を推奨する自由の国だ! まったくだ。 これでは世界の暴君ではないかっ! こんな要求、直ちに―― だが、ガメリカからの要求には続きがあった。 『このスーパー301条の適用を認めない場合、  ガメリカは日本を軍事強化に入り、世界の平和を  脅かす軍事国家になったものとみなす』 『ガメリカは我が国の安全と、世界の自由と正義の為に  日本へ必要な処置を取るであろう。ガメリカ外務長官』 ぐっ...卑怯な。 だが、ガメリカは強大だ。 今戦うわけには... ...帝。私が外交努力で出来る限り 規制を緩めさせるようにいたします。 今はスーパー301条の受け入れを... 何を弱気なっ! こうなれば戦争だっ! ガメリカ本土を火の海にしてやるのだ! ...意見が分かれましたね。 では、多数決で決めたいと思います。 宇垣が賛成、利古里ちゃんが反対。 東郷は? 私は... I turn them down. そうですね... 分かりました。暫く待ってください。 考えます。 ・・・・・・・ ・・・・・ ・・・ 帝が目を瞑り、3分が経過した。 う...ん......... ・・・・・・・ ・・・・・ ・・・ 帝が目を瞑り、さらに2分経過が経過した。 ...いつもより長いですね... それだけ重要な案件を決めておられるのだ。 無理もあるまい。 ...はい、決めました。 一国家として言うべき主張は きちんと言わなければなりません。 無理なことは無理とはっきり言いましょう。 し、しかし、それではガメリカが... それでもはっきり言います。 本来、それが対等な国同士の外交なの ですから。 むぅ、確かに... ガメリカの力は脅威ですが、 一方的に言われ、はいそうですかと 頷くだけでは、舐められるだけですな... 彼らは我が国に戦争を仕掛けようとして いるのは間違いありません。 が、ガメリカ国民の全てがそう思って いるわけではなく、反対している者も 多くいると聞いています。 分かりました。 後は私にお任せを... お願いね、宇垣。 はっ。 そして数日後。 ガメリカに渡米していた宇垣が帰国した。 うっ...ぐっ... ...宇垣? ぬぐぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉっ!!! おのれ、クソガメリカめっ、肥溜めの中に 落ちて死ねっ!! ペッペッ!! ふぅ... よほど腹に据えかねたようですね。 帝。あの白ブタ共は我々と 交渉する気は欠片もありませんぞ。 あろうことか我が国を世界の癌、 児童ポルノ天国国家、軍事力を増強して 世界の治安を乱すならず者国家だとか... ええいっ、言いたい放題ほざきおって、 許せんっ!! しかも経済交流を完全に停止し、 我が国を経済封鎖してやると言い出す始末。 ぜぃぜぃ...エイリス帝国も それに追随するらしいですが... まったく、不愉快極まりない話です。 ...宇垣。 なんでしょう? ...どんな風に挑発されたのか 知らないけど...さすがにこれはまずいと 思いますよ。 へ? 帝は持っていた新聞を宇垣に見せた。 それはガメリカでもっとも有名な新聞だった。 そこには、激怒し日本刀を振り回している宇垣が 警備員達に止められている姿と...足元に倒れている 婦人の姿があった。 そして、新聞の見出しには、 『これが日本人の正体だ! エリート外務長官、  日本刀を振り回しての暴力外交!』と書かれていた。 ぬがはぁっ!? た、確かに激怒しましたが、 日本刀を振り回してなどおりません。 合成です、捏造です! でも足元に倒れてるご婦人が... 誤解です、 こんなご婦人、現場にはいませんでした。 これもやつらの合成です、捏造記事です! ほっ。 ならいいのですが... でも、これでガメリカ国民は日本に対して より悪い印象を持つようになりましたね。 くっ...まったく、 タチの悪い情報操作をしおってからに... ふぅ...経済封鎖の件もそうですが、 困りましたね... とにかく、ガメリカの出方をみてから、 対策を練りましょう。 [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_030.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_180.jpg[/img] Peace has returned to Beijing, so for the first time it actually produces us some resources. 120 points a turn isn't bad - though even the cheapest battleship costs ~2000 RP... [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_181.jpg[/img] So... Start of turn 6. Most of our admirals are in stuck in Chongqing. Rinfa and Matsuri are in serious need of repairs. At this point, I'd want my main fleet in Japan ASAP. This will, unfortunately, take at least two turns, since most admirals can only move 2 systems per turn. Former Chun Empire star systems are in a state of unrest, so I want to convert them as soon as possible as well. Unfortunately, that'd mean leaving Yamamoto behind. Let's have a look at our new admirals. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_182.jpg[/img] First, we have Tsunoda. The two -30% attack slots are pretty bad. He comes with the skill "regional defence" [quote]Regional Defence: In defensive battles, damage taken is reduced 30%[/quote] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_183.jpg[/img] Then we have Arima. She has very good bonuses, high command... but only two slots and no skills. This limits her usability a great deal. I usually go with a twin battleship layout for her, but the lack of radar limits her usability a great deal. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_184.jpg[/img] Lastly, everyone's favourite turncoat, Higuchi. This sleazebag doesn't have [i]that[/i] bad penalties when compared to other generic admirals, so usually I do not execute him (which would be waste of events anyway). You do have to beware though; [quote]False Promise: When stationed in a region, cancels all public peace improvement[/quote] What about new ships then? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_185.jpg[/img] We got the bonus Panda ship, which is pretty good and Shuu's Golden ship... Notice anything? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_186.jpg[/img] Indeed... This will help us a great deal. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/events_phase.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_187.jpg[/img] Time to get some serious firepower to our side. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_188.jpg[/img] Tougou visited the palace on Mikado's request. [Tougou] Let's see... Honey, I'm home! It's me, Tougou Tsuyoshi♪ [Mikado] Ah, there you are. I've been waiting for you. [Tougou] You seem to be in a good mood, Mikado-chan. [Mikado] I am, thank you. Hehehe... Actually I'm always in a good mood when I hang out with you. [Tougou] Are we going on a date? [Mikado] *gasp* N-no, unfortunately it's not a date. I wanted to introduce our new ally to you today. [Tougou] Huh? Who is that? [Mikado] Shibagami. [Tougou] Err... [Mikado] Yes, the guardian god of our Japanese Empire. Please come in, Shibagami-sama♪ [Shibagami] Greetings, mortal. We already met at the ceremony. I would like to work as an admiral under your command. [Tougou] That's very considerate of you. But a god fighting in our navy... Isn't that a bit unfair? [Mikado] Ah, it's fine. Shibagami isn't that powerful. [Tougou] ...you said he is a god. [Mikado] Yes, he is. He might not be the strongest of the gods, but he is very reliable. Isn't that right, Shibagami? [Mikado] Right, but I'm not weak either. I'm immortal, unlike our warships. [Tougou] Now that sounds more like a god. He seems to be clever too... [Mikado] Fufufu... Do your best, Shibagami-sama♪ [Tougou] I always do. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_189.jpg[/img] [Tougou] From today onward, Shibagami-sama will fight alongside all of you... [Akiyama] T-Tougou, that's awful! Pay our god more respect! [Tougou] Shibigami-sama himself asked to be treated like a normal person. [Shibagami] Yes, I did. We are going to fight, eat and sleep together, thats why. [Akiyama] H-haa... [i]The legendary guardian god seems like a wonderful person...[/i] [Maki] Lalala, here comes Maki♪ When Maki saw Shibagami her eyes shone and she immediately ran up to him, forgetting everything else around her. [Maki] Such a good boy♪ Sit! Come on, sit! [Shibagami] Woof! Shibagami sat down on Maki's command without any complaint or hesitation. [Maki] Good boy, good boy♪ [Shibagami] Woof woof! Maki pet Shibagami's head many times to reward him. [Akiyama] M-Maki-chan! [Maki] What is it, A-chan? [Akiyama] That... he might look like a dog, but he's a god... [Maki] Huh? But woof-chan seems happy. [Shibagami] Woof woof woof! Shibagami began to wave his tail in excitement. [Akiyama] Shibagami-sama... [Shibagami] ...woof? Oh, I apologize. I can't resist such a cute kid. [Akiyama] Ah... is that a canine thing? [Shibagami] Yeah. [Maki] Woof-chan, check out this ball I got here♪ [Shibagami] Hauuuu! [Akiyama] ...I'm starting to lose all the respect I had for him... [Tougou] I prefer a playful and friendly god to one who behaves like a tyrant. [Akiyama] If you put it like that... [Maki] Hey woof-chan. Would you please let me ride on your back? [Shibagami] Hahaha, sure thing. Shibagami seemed to be very happy. [Akiyama] [i]...Maybe I should ask him to ride on his back too...[/i] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_190.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/enemys_phase.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_191.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_192.jpg[/img] The O'France Star System―― 22:10 Space Standard time. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_193.jpg[/img] Manstein's warship, the bridge― [Manstein] ... [b][???][/b] Bonjour, Manstein! [Manstein] Show your face, Rommel. [vRommel] Welcome to O'France, the wonderful country that stepped on our pride not long ago... Our time of vengeance has finally come. [Manstein] Yes... This battle will decide the fate of our glorious nation... Did you hear that, Admiral Doenitz? [b][Ermi Doenitz][/b] ...I did. Another person showed up on the main screen of the communicator. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_194.jpg[/img] [Manstein] The success of our operation depends entirely on your surprise attack. Our leader herself entrusted you with this important task. Don't forget that! [vDoenitz] ...I know. Sieg Heil. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_195.jpg[/img] [Doenitz] [i]Our leader gave me the new U-Boat prototype and put all of her faith into me... My leader, I won't fail you. Your Admiral Doenitz will make sure that the attack succeeds.[/i] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/doku_redhead.jpg[/img] [b][Adjutant][/b] Admiral, we have arrived at our destination. The Manstein and Rommel fleets are following closely behind us. [Doenitz] We move and fight as one unit in this campaign... All U-Boats... prepare for submergence. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/doku_redhead.jpg[/img] [b][Adjutant][/b] Understood. Preparations are underway. *Uuuuuuuhhhhn* ... The main engine went silent while another engine began making shrill sounds. This was the U-Boat prototype of Dokutsu. It's abilities were about to be tested. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/doku_redhead.jpg[/img] [b][Adjutant][/b] Dielectic fluid is being produced. Percentage: 20... 60... 80... complete. We are ready to submerge. [Doenitz] Alright... Let us begin the maneuver. U-Boat fleet......submerge! A short while later―― On the other side of the Maginot fortification, O'France was hectically preparing their defenses. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_196.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] No, it's still the same. The 3rd Reich fleet doesn't even move an inch. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] That is strange... [i]Dokutsu's fleet isn't moving. Maybe they are intimidated by our strong defenses after all. Hahaha... Those cowards...[/i] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] A-admiral... [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] What is it? Speak! Did they finally make a move? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] No, their fleet is still stationary. But... One of their fleets has vanished from our radars. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] It vanished? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] Y-yes, perhaps they just went out of radar range while retreating. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] Oui, that must be it... Those cowards, hahaha! The 3rd Reich fleet pissed their pants when they saw my majestic defense force and ran home! Maginot fortress remains invincible! The fleet of O'France is victorious! *KABLAAAM* ! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] H-hii, uwaaaaaaah! W-wha-what? What was that! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] W-we are under enemy fire... They hit us from the back! A direct hit! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] From the back? D-did someone betray us? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] N-no, our scouts report that they sighted an enemy fleet behind us! They are past our defenses! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] Fool! How is that even possible? There is nothing on our radar... [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] O-oui...they vanished after firing at us. But I assure you that the enemy fleet was there. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] It vanished again? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] Oui, from our radar and our view... There, they reappeared! Oh...now they vanished again. One...two...and there it went! It's impossible to aim at them if they disappear that fast. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] Merde... MERDE! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] One of the other fleets started moving, it's coming right at us! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] Uwaaah! Retreat! RETREEEEEEEAAAT! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] Retreat? Are you serious, Admiral? The battle hasn't even started yet. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] You fool! We can't fight an enemy that has invisible ships which move three times faster than ours! Just look how bold they act, attacking us head-on! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] ...such a formidable foe. Sacre bleu, how will we stand a chance against them? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Admiral][/b] Maginot is already lost to them! Mon dieu, it's a damn shame. You know what to do, right? Retreat! Let's save our lives and run far away! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/france.jpg[/img] [b][O'France Soldier][/b] U-understood... Changing course! We are retreating from Maginot! The Maginot fortification fell to the might of Dokutsu's new U-Boat fleet and the fighting spirit of O'France was crushed along with it... The main defense fleet deserted and eventually O'France surrendered to the 3rd Reich. After two weeks of minor skirmishes the 3rd Reich of Dokutsu had taken total control of the Star System. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_197.jpg[/img] The former O'France Kingdom, Paris. At the Dunkirk port― Retia Adolf was visiting the site to inspect her troops and to praise her admirals who did so well in this campaign. [Goebbels] Admirals, the long wait is over. Your leader has arrived♪ [Retia] I'm very proud of you. All of you did a great job. [Manstein] Thank you, mein Führer... [Rommel] My dear leader, any word coming from your lips makes the long wait worth it... It was surprisingly easy to defeat O'France, far easier than I had expected it to be... The surprise attack of the Doenitz fleet devastated our foes before they could even act. [Retia] You are right. Step forward, Doenitz! [Doenitz] Y-yes... At once, mein Führer! [Retia] Doenitz, congratulations! You did a splendid job out there! [Doenitz] Y-yes...I mean... It's all thanks to the new U-Boat prototype... I didn't do much... I only followed your orders... [Retia] Huh? Hehehe... You're being way too modest... [Doenitz] ...modest? [Goebbels] That's right, Admiral Doenitz. Give yourself a little bit more credit here, you did GREAT! [Goebbels] You slipped through the Maginot fortification undetected... That alone takes three things: A capable warship, a good strategy and a skilled admiral. What do you say, mein Führer? [Retia] What? H-haa... [Doenitz] ... [Retia] H-hahaha. Y-yes. Doenitz, well done! [Doenitz] ...I'm honored if I was able to fulfill our leader's expectations. Thank you... [Retia] I hope your U-Boat fleet will bring many more victories to the 3rd Reich in the future. [Doenitz] ...Yes. While Doenitz looked at the floor a bit embarassed, Goebbels whispered something into Retia Adolf's ear. [Goebbels] Retia, this is no good... We shouldn't give her the prototype. [Retia] ...I don't see why not. She handled the U-Boat fleet well in battle... [Goebbels] I don't doubt her ability, but she is lacking confidence... She will need nerves of steel in the more hectic battles, right? [Retia] That is true... I'll keep that in mind... [Manstein] We have good reason to be proud. For the first time in history we breached the impregnable Maginot fortification... [Rommel] Heh, and captured it... We saved ourselves countless battles with that strategy. Rommel couldn't help but smile. The U-Boat was the first of its kind equipped with a dimension submergence device. Currently no radar technology in existence can detect it, so a submerged U-Boat becomes almost impossible to hit. The U-Boat fleet led by Doenitz timed it's sub-space dives just right. Outmaneuvered by the hidden U-Boats the O'France fleet got attacked from behind. They expected a frontal attack and in the end they had to deal with the exact opposite. Had it not been for the Doenitz fleet, attacking the Maginot fortification head-on would have taken months. [Manstein] If O'France had regrouped for a second battle, our U-Boats wouldn't have surprised them anymore. No, really... We were lucky that they just surrendered themselves like that. In the First Space War, I experienced myself how persistent these guys can be... [Retia] Luck? I've never depended on luck and I don't plan to start doing so now. It's all part of my strategy. [Manstein Mein Führer... We were lucky. What are the odds of an enemy surrendering like that? [Goebbels] We pulled some strings to make the pacifist party win the elections, it was all part of our plan. We broke their will to fight, and lowered their military funds. As you can see this has nothing to do with luck. A nation turned pacifist is easy prey♪ [Retia] And the capture of the Maginot fortification was a huge symbolic victory that ruined their morale. Wouldn't anyone lose the will to fight in such a situation? [Manstein M-mein Führer... Please forgive me... I was a fool for calling it luck... [Goebbels] Don't look so down, Manstein. We have a reason to celebrate this significant day. Hey, I brought you something to commemorate the occupation. Goebbels opened a suitcase and brought forth a little box which she handed to Manstein. [Manstein What on earth... OHHH! Manstein's cheeks turned red and he smiled like a little kid in a candy store. Drawn by curiosity Rommel and Doenitz peeked into the box from both sides. [Rommel] Uhh laa laa...♪ [Doenitz] Oh my! I-is that a promotional item? [Retia]...W-what is it? Show me, I wanna see it too... Uaaaaaaaaa!! WHAT IS THIS? Inside the box was a coin, but not a normal one. It had an image of Retia imprinted on it, in a very embarassing pose. [Goebbels] The official O'France occupation commemoration coin. Sales of it start in all stores today. [Retia] S-sales............TODAY!? You are selling those!? [Goebbels] Yes, why? When I told you my idea for an official O'France commemoration coin you liked it... [Retia] B-but not like this!! [Goebbels] Come on, Retia... They are very popular. People already preordered more than one million of those coins... This is going to be the best selling coin in history... [Retia] Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Retia's scream echoed through Paris... [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_198.jpg[/img] The Gamerica Star System, the USJ Sector― Inside a navy base on the planet New York the soldiers of Gamerica gathered, awaiting the arrival of a transport. A new commander was assigned to the Pacific Ocean fleet today. They are to welcome him. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_199.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_200.jpg[/img] [Kathy] Shut the hell up, Frith Halsey. [Frith] The transport had to take a detour and that's why its late... I told you this yesterday with my fortune-telling ability already. So maybe its you who is too early? [Kathy] Screw that. This is an important event. You wouldn't have been early either if you believed in your stupid prophecies, you damned occult bitch. [Frith] Occult bitch? ...hmpf. As usual, your words are as blunt as you are. Unfortunately there isn't a single person here that shares your views, "Fuck-Me-Kathy". [Kathy] ...I'll k-kill you! [Frith] Ah? Did I make you upset? "Fuck-Me-Kathy" isn't a very cute nickname, is it? [Kathy] Don't you dare call me that...! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/us_nigger.jpg[/img] [b][Admiral][/b] Be quiet please, the commander is... [Kathy] That damn Halsey bitch started it! Screw the commander, she's going to pay for this! NOW! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/faces/us_nigger.jpg[/img] [b][Admiral][/b] Please calm down! The commander is on the communicator...! [Kathy] Huh...? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_201.jpg[/img] [Kathy] Huh...? Y-you're― [Eagle Douglas] Commander Douglas, nice to meet you. I got a bit delayed, but thanks to modern communication, well... [Frith] I apologize, Commander Douglas. Please forgive me... [Eagle Douglas] No need to worry, Admiral Halsey. I am used to this kind of drama. [Frith] Thank you for your kindness. You may call me Frith, there's no need to be so formal. [Eagle Douglas] Alright, Frith. Then I shall... [Kathy] W-wait a second... Is this some kind of joke? [Eagle Douglas] Hm? I thought we weren't filming a comedy scene, Admiral Bradley. [Kathy]The way you are talking, the way you move... wait... you're Eagle Douglas, the movie star! [Eagle Douglas] Live and in color. You seem to know me well. [Kathy] Doesn't every single person in Gamerica know your face? [Frith] Kathy, please be quiet for a moment... [Kathy] Frith's already gotten enough dialogue. Could you be filming a promotional movie for the Naval Forces maybe? [Eagle Douglas] ――Shut up, young lady. Just remain silent for a moment. [Kathy] ...w-why? It... [Eagle Douglas] The Naval Forces of Gamerica are supposed to be the elite, so we cant have a stupid person blabbering... Well, for that we have the talented and handsome Commander Douglas. I think you all agree, gahahaha! [Kathy] Y-you... you little bastard...! How dare you deceive the people? [Frith] You are one to talk. Didnt you read the script? Commander Douglas is a real and authentic commander now... So he is not deceiving anyone. [Kathy] W-w...what? The Command Center, a little while later― [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_202.jpg[/img] Commander Douglas who arrived at last, streches his legs underneath the desk, leans back in his chair and lights a cigarette. [Douglas] ...and thats why I, former actor Eagle Douglas am now commander of the Pacific Ocean Navy. [Kathy] ... [Douglas] Hey Kathy. Cheer up. Can't you accept me as your superior in command? Truth is I have been waiting a long time for this position. Give me a chance to explain, ok ? [Kathy] Shut up. You will make us all look like fools. [Frith] Now now, let him explain himself. [Douglas] I became Commander very suddenly. However, someone here is jealous... ...jealous at my incredible talent and doesnt see the effort behind it. [Kathy] Hold your tongue! You are just an act. All talk and nothing more. And don't call me by my first name. I hope that it gets stuck in your throat and you choke on it the next time you say it! [Douglas] ...Well. You are one stubborn tomboy, just like everyone says. Know this: Even a famous person like me doesnt get such a position without having the required skills. [Frith] So did you go through some sort of special training, Commander Douglas? [Douglas] Frith, you got that right. I love you almost as much as I love Gamerica for being so sharp. I didnt simply become commander... I received three hard years of training. [Frith] If you keep working that hard, our foes won't stand a chance... [Douglas] Its the Gamerican Dream. One can achieve everything at any point in life. Isn't it amazing? Even a completely stubborn tomboy like Kathy can get into a significant position... [Kathy] Hmph. I feel sorry for our Navy. If they have to use actors to fill their ranks, then we are doomed... Surely the Navy could have found more capable people within it's own ranks. Why did they choose you for this job? [Douglas] Thats simple, Kathy. The previous commander didnt have the balls to lead the troops in the upcoming war. [Kathy] War...? I've no idea what you're talking about, [i]commander[/i]. [Douglas] Just take a look at the newspapers, Kathy. Isn't the relationship between Gamerica and Japan deteriorating? [Kathy] Huh? Japan? That far east? Japan wouldnt enter a war with us, it would be suicide to fight our gigantic Navy. [Douglas] Now, consider this: What if some of the powerful people in our country would want a war? [Kathy] Impossible. The little nations at stake wouldnt make enough profit to be worth the effort―― [Frith] ...you will see, I saw it happen. Hate, fear, rising flames, lives being swallowed by the sea of stars... [Kathy] Shut up, witch. Stay out of this! [Douglas] Unfortunately, Frith's words deserve attention. Our data says the same. And, Kathy...do you know how much profit Gamerica made during the time of the First Space War? [Kathy] I was still sucking my mom's tits back then, so I wouldn't know. [Douglas] You need to learn a lot from the books then, like I did. I hate to say it, but Gamericas freedom and wealth all came from the First Space War. [Frith] Turbulent times like these offer a perfect market for arms dealers. [Douglas] Thats how we made a fortune. Its called a "bubble boom". A sudden market with countless investors. Now that bubble is popped and we are entering a great depression. [Frith] Now our economy is falling apart, and the unemployment rate is rising. [Douglas] Another space war would be just what our nation needs to end this depression. But starting a war requires a valid reason. You cannot justify it by telling people you do it for the money. [Frith] It would cause dissent and the Bright House would get a new owner. [Douglas] Correct. That's why they keep sending unacceptable demands to Japan. If they are provoked to strike first, the war isn't Gamerica's fault. ...do you understand now, Kathy? [Kathy] ...Zzzzzzzz...Zzzzz... [Douglas] ...Oh my God. This isn't the time to be sleeping. [Kathy] Huh... your story was so boring, it made me drowsy... [Douglas] Anyway, thats why I took the job of my predecessor. I want to make the most out of all this expensive equipment with the least possible bloodshed. That is exactly the reason why they put me in charge here, Kathy. Do you understand? [Kathy] I see, I see. Yes, I do get it now. Fine, you are the big boss. But I want to handle the battles my way. Ok? [Douglas] I won't complain as long as you do your work properly. [Kathy] Then we have a deal. I'm going to go fire up the simulator, some action will help wake me up. [Douglas] Admit it, you are the kind of person that needs to prove herself in every possible scenario. [Kathy] There are scenarios worth seeing. But they would be too scary for you, [i]commander[/i]. Giving him the middle finger, Kathy Bradley walked out of the command center, leaving Commander Douglas behind. [Douglas] ...if she fights as well in the actual battle as she acts tough, then there is nothing to worry about. [Frith] If you don't let her foulmouthed talk bother you'll find she's quite the capable subordinate, Commander Douglas. [Douglas] You don't need to adress me in a formal way, unless we are in public. Please spend some time practicing too, you need to be prepared. [Frith] ...before I do that, I have a question. [Douglas] What is it? You can ask me anything you want. [Frith] If I remember correctly, joining the Navy was your childhood dream... So, you do want to become a real hero, not just a hero in the movies. [Douglas] Huh? I can't recall mentioning this. Were you reading my mind? Ha...well, yes. I enjoyed playing the hero in that "War Stars" movie a lot... [Frith] Thats why I wasnt surprised at all that you ended up here after your career as an actor. And now you are the commander of the entire Navy. However, you still seem not to be satisfied with that. Why is that? [Douglas] Not satisfied? I could absolutely kiss this command seat here. [Frith] Thats a lie. You can tell me the truth. [Douglas] You are sharp... I guess that is why they call you "Solomon's witch". Lets say I do a friend of mine a favor. Do you want to know why? [Frith] Yes, if you would be so kind. [Douglas] I think that my beloved Gamerica is losing its way. Relying on wars to keep the economy up is sheer folly. I suspect that our dear President in the Bright House is involved in this. ...thats what I think, Frith. [Frith] Corruption? That is a very serious accusation to make. [Douglas] The current President was doing strangely well in the last elections... I will find out why that is the case. And I will help to restore Gamerica. [Frith] Hehe...sounds intriguing. You almost talk like a candidate for the election. [Douglas] Haha, that is my intention. My dream won't end until I become president. [Frith] ...? You can't be serious, Douglas... [Douglas] That is why I quit acting, joined the Navy and worked my way up to become its commander... I will have the popularity of an actor, people will look up at me as the man that led their troops to victory... A living example of the Gamerican Dream. Who'd be more suitable to become the next president than myself? [Frith] ... [Douglas] I don't care if you don't believe me. As a retired actor and commander, you can call me a maniac if you want. But I am following my dream, and I Eagle Douglas will become the next President of the Bright House. I will win the election with a big majority and I will be reelected too. And I will give my beloved nation the justice and freedom it deserves. [Frith] ...you have come quite far while following your dream. You are interesting... [Douglas] Say, Solomon's witch. What does your fortune-telling say about it? Will I become President? [Frith] You arent going to let go of your dream, no matter what I will tell you. So there is no point in it, really. [Douglas] You are right. [Frith] Alright, Douglas. Now that I know your secret, do you want to know mine? [Douglas] I'm very happy that you trust me enough to share your secret with me. I have no reason to decline, go on. [Frith] Ever since I was a teenager, I have been a big fan of you. I saw all of your movies. And somehow I knew that the brave hero on the other side of the screen was not just an act... I'm very excited to have met you in person... I always wondered what it would be like. [Douglas] That makes me glad. I hope that I didnt disappoint your expectations. [Frith] ...Douglas, I'm certain you will have a meeting with fate soon. The most important time of your life is about to begin... ...your fate is drawing near. [Douglas] That is not the most exciting prophecy. [Frith] Fufu... please don't let it irritate you, Douglas. I am sure you can make your dream come true... ――Frith Halsey left the command room with a smile on her lips. [Douglas] Heh... I have to keep myself motivated. Can't let my guard down in a moment like this. After all, we still have to consider that Dokutsu or Aeris might make a move. Japan, please do not resist too much. Your people are needed to work for a new and better Gamerica...! [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_203.jpg[/img] Star System: London. The London Palace―― Several days have passed since Dokutsu occupied the Kingdom of O'France. Sarah had just received the report describing the defeat from the expeditionary forces. [Sarah Britten] ......I see. ...I understand. You can go now. [Fleet Commander] ...Wha-? B-but I have failed you. I have tarnished your honor, for that I accept any punishment― [Sarah Britten] There won't be any punishment. Our expeditionary forces fought as well as they could. Rest now. [Fleet Commander] ...I'm truly grateful for your neverending mercy, Your Majesty... Another defeat against the 3rd Reich. The commander politely took a bow in front of his generous Queen and left the room. [John Lawrence] Your Majesty... [Sarah Britten] ...I know. We underestimated Dokutsu and let them come this far. [John Lawrence] After our recent defeats against them, they taught us to take them a bit more serious. Apart from that... Lawrence handed Sarah an envelope. [Sarah Britten] ...What's that? [John Lawrence] A report about fancism. It's the current ideology centered around Retia Adolf in the 3rd Reich. [Sarah Britten] I shall take a look at it. Lawrence remained quiet while Sarah read the report with interest. [Sarah Britten] ...Interesting. So Retia Adolf was elected to become the nation's idol... If you think about it, everything makes sense now. [John Lawrence] Yes. The way that fancism improved the morale and unity of the Dokutsu people is amazing. [Sarah Britten] Yes, it's frightening how it spreads like some sort of disease. Sarah's respect for Dokutsu and for Retia Adolf was renewed. [Sarah Britten] This report here also mentions some skilled admirals... [John Lawrence] Yes, Eisen Manstein and El Rommel. Fancism brought forth those two talented veterans... Admiral Manstein is especially talented. He cost my fleet a lot of ships in the last war. [Sarah Britten] Such skilled admirals... Fancism was also involved in their fast economical recovery... [i]And more than that...[/i] Domestic affairs. Diplomacy. Military. Retia Adolf managed to maximize the efficiency of everything. [Sarah Britten] [i]She's a natural born genius... But if she truly is behind all this, then she is their weak spot as well. We must strike their weak spot――[/i] 「Why don't you become our idol, sis?」 [Sarah Britten] What? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_204.jpg[/img] [Sarah Britten] Mary... We are discussing important matters, behave yourself. [Mary Britten] Huh? Why can't we be a bit more casual? Neither grumpy Montgomery nor Nelson are around... [Sarah Britten] That is true. Nelson is abroad leading a fleet and Montgomery is solving a corruption case. [Mary Britten] Soooooo let's be a bit more casual today. Ne? [Sarah Britten] ...Do you think this is a game? [Mary Britten] No, it's not that. I just thought we could use a bit less of a gloomy atmosphere. [John Lawrence] Heh, that doesn't seem like such a bad idea, Mary. [Sarah Britten] Lawrence...don't. [John Lawrence] Ohh...excuse me, your Majesty. Mary got me a bit derailed here with her cheerful persona. *sigh* ... Sarah let out a deep sigh upon hearing this. But she couldn't deny that the tense and gloomy atmosphere seemed to be gone when Mary had stepped into the room. The whole place now felt more peaceful and a lot more comfortable. And yet when she began thinking about this, a sad expression clouded Sarah's face. [Sarah Britten] ... [Mary Britten] Sis? [Sarah Britten] ...oh, it's nothing really. Mary, let us forget about all these serious matters for now. [Mary Britten] Yes. I've already forgotten them! [Sarah Britten] Already? [Mary Britten] Uhuh. By the way, have you thought about how you will change yourself into an idol yet? [Sarah Britten] I refuse to. I won't give those shameless concerts in front of others as the Queen. [Mary Britten] Too bad. I think its a splendid idea. What about you, Lawrence? [John Lawrence] Yes, of cour― ...my apologies. I'm afraid this doesn't belong here in this report. [Mary Britten] Grrrr, unfair! You coward! [Sarah Britten] Mary. Please don't use such tone... [Mary Britten] Haa...sorry. I'm just happy to see you after such a long time, sis... [Sarah Britten] Haa... Sarah recalled that three months already passed since she assigned her sister Mary to the inspection of their colonies. [Sarah Britten] Anyway, if you want to do the dirty fancism of Dokutsu, you will have to do it without me. [Mary Britten] It was only a suggestion, sis. I just thought you would make a gorgeous idol and― [Sarah Britten] ...this story ends right here. [Mary Britten] Yes, I get it. I will be in my room if you need me. [Sarah Britten] Fine... Mary did an exaggerated bow and left. Seeing her go like that made Sarah regret the harsh treatment she'd given Mary. [Sarah Britten] ... [John Lawrence] My Majesty, let's end this report. I'll try to invite Mary to a nice dinner tonight, that should cheer her up. [Sarah Britten] Do that, Lawrence. Sarah smiled, grateful for his help. ...and thus ends turn 6. Turn 7 starts with an event in Japan. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_016.jpg[/img] [Ukagi] Mikado, I have returned. [Mikado] Welcome home, Ugaki. Thank you for making that journey. Ugaki came from a diplomatic mission abroad. [Ukagi] It's my pleasure to be back. And I don't come empty-handed. I bring good news. [Mikado] Good news? Please give me your report, and take a rest after that. [Ukagi] Fuhaha, gladly. With a proud smile he began to talk. [Ukagi] Let me report then, my Empress. I returned with a proposal of an alliance with Dokutsu and Itarin. [Mikado] A triple alliance? [Ukagi] Correct. We will need strong allies to hold our ground against nations such as Gamerica and Aeris. Dokutsu and Itarin have a bone to pick with Aeris and Gamerica, just like we do. The Third Reich for example was a broken nation after the last war. But they rebuilt and grew bigger than ever before. With their help, we can work the same miracle. And apart from that, Retia Adolf is a wonderful, magnificent leader. Hahaha... Ugaki was talking so highly of Retia Adolf that it seemed as if he had converted to fancism. [Ukagi] Mucchilini of Itarin was also a great person to talk to, if I may add. [Mikado] Huh? [Ukagi] This shouldn't be a tough decision. Let's join forces with Dokutsu and Itarin and crush those devils! [Mikado] ... Why the sudden change of mind? Mikado noticed that Ugaki had changed. At first he wanted to avoid war with Gamerica, but now he was promoting it. The way Ugaki kept talking about Dokutsu and Itarin with pride made it sound as if he was talking about his own country. [Ukagi] The Third Reich managed to conquer O'France in only two weeks, against all odds. Such power! Mikado, Dokutsu will inevitably become a world power! By all means, we need to ally ourselves with them! [Rikori] Hold it, Master Ugaki. There certainly is reason enough to be amazed by Dokutsu's progress... But how can we support fancism? Adolf sells her body to the masses and she might be their idol now... However, if something ever happens to Retia Adolf, all of Dokutsu is bound to crumble. And then we will have to deal with the enemies they made. In fact, if we ally with them Mikado won't have a say in anything. This is bullshit! We don't need such an alliance to deal with Gamerica or Aeris. We can do it on our own. [Mikado] It might be a good idea to forge friendships with other countries. But...doesn't Dokutsu strive for total world domination? Because if they do, sooner or later Japan might be in their way. [Ukagi] But if we sign an alliance with them, we can exchange goods and military research. [Mikado] ... I see. Yes, that's a big advantage. [Ukagi] I vote for this triple alliance. [Rikori] I reject it. Such an alliance is unthinkable. [Mikado] ...so, Tougou. What do you think? [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_205.jpg[/img] This is one of the major decision points in the game. We'll be forced to wage war on multiple fronts sooner, but we'll receive the aid and trade from the Axis nations. So obviously the choice is "yes" on this playthrough. [Tougou] I agree with this alliance. [Mikado] ...I see. Then we have 2 votes for it and 1 vote against it. Japan is going to sign an alliance with both the Third Reich and Itarin. Rikori-chan? [Rikori] ...Fine then. But that doesn't mean I like that decision... [Ukagi] Heh, you'll start to like it. Gamerica will regret ever having aimed for the conquest of Japan. They tried to blockade our nation's economy to bleed us out, but now we have new trade partners. Fufu...it won't hurt to cooperate with Dokutsu to shake the very foundations of Gamerica. [Mikado] ...you look incredibly content, Master Ugaki. [Ukagi] Do I? Oh, err... Sorry, I'm just excited. [Rikori] ...what a smug grin. [Mikado] Now, now. Don't be impolite! Haa, stop fighting already. Todays imperial conference ends with this then. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_030.jpg[/img] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61842432/daiteikoku/dai_206.jpg[/img]